Why is it so important that I convert my lists to a single database?

if you're still using multiple mailing lists in Flexmail, you first need to switch to a single database before you can start using the new contact management. To do that, we've implemented the Contact Converter. But why is that so important?

The GDPR requires that you can demonstrate how you collect data and how you manage it

Since the introduction of the GDPR, we have implemented several updates to ensure that you, as a Flexmail user, comply with the GDPR requirements as well as possible. Of course, we cannot help you with achieving complete GDPR compliance, but we can provide you with all technical possibilities to put a GDPR-compliant policy in place in your email marketing strategy.

When adding and importing your contacts for instance, you have to indicate that you obtained these contacts legitimately. You are also held to add a source per contact. If a contact asks you to explain how you collected its details, you can retrieve this information via these sources for your email marketing.

Let us move on to the way in which your contacts are stored. All new users use a single mailing list automatically. They use the segments to make a distinction between specific target groups.

If you already had your account before the GDPR became effective, chances are that you still use multiple lists. This is not really a problem, but it makes managing permissions and unsubscribing a lot more complex.

Additionally, there will certainly be some old mailing lists of which you cannot establish how you got them or which you have not been using in your campaigns for a long time. 

For GDPR-compliant mailing and keeping a clear record of your contacts it is absolutely essential that you convert your account to a single database.

Can you still keep a clear record of your contacts?

Your contact overview currently consists of a mishmash of mailing lists. Some contacts are listed multiple times. To ensure that you can keep a clear record of your contacts and comply with the GDPR at the same time, you should convert your account to a single mailing list, divided into segments for the various target groups.

Benefits of cleaning up your account:

  • Direct access to your complete contact details in the event of GDPR-requests
  • A better-structured overview of your own data
  • Your screens can be loaded much faster
  • More accurate reporting and full client profiles
  • Your account is future-proof for updates
  • Create new dynamic target audiences with segments
  • Easier exports
  • Data you no longer use can be disposed of easily
  • Better management of unsubscribed contacts via preferences

Of course we will not leave you to fend for yourself with this clean-up. We have developed the GDPR Contact Converter especially for you. With this tool you can clean up existing lists and merge them into a single tidy database in your account.

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