Send out a catalogue

The right message at the right time. That is the standard rule. Segmentation is the logical consequence. You only drop a message in the inbox that interests the contact. In this inspiration article, we want to deviate from this rule for a change.

Major brands, as well as e-shops on the Internet usually use a different approach. They drop messages that almost look like the home page of the website into the inbox of their contacts. The door-to-door brochure in the letter box is perhaps the best comparison. It is a colourful catalogue with a lot of offers another and has a menu structure that is an exact copy of the one on the website.


This method is of great value to the recognition of regular customers of the e-shop. You make it a little easier for them. Instead of going to the web browser to start browsing your shop, they can jump directly to your e-shop from within your email message. All because you were so thoughtful to drop your “homepage” in their inbox.


Even though you are (secretly) differentiating behind the scenes, these emails give you the opportunity to showcase a huge amount of products. The first row of offers respond to the interests of your contacts. But you can use the second row to experiment. There, you can vary as much as like, in order to show them all the other products you can offer. This way, you can get a lot more conversion in one email.

Pay attention!

This method has one big disadvantage. Of course this email could cause a spike in the amount of visitors on your site. But you have to take the limitations of certain email clients into account. There are some email clients that don’t show your images by default. Therefore, you preferably send this type of emails to people who regularly receive your emails. The stakes are high that you are already added to their contact list.

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