Manage your contacts
Contacts can be stored in your account and managed in the database. This article will show you how to manage your contacts in the database.
- To manage your contacts, go to Contacts > All contacts section in your account.
- On your contact overview, you'll find three tabs:
- Confirmed contacts: overview of all the active contacts in your account
- Unconfirmed contacts: overview of all the contacts who have received an opt-in message but haven't confirmed yet.
- Blacklisted contacts: overview of all the blacklisted contacts in your account
- When you click on one of the tabs, you will be able to see a list of all the contacts with that status. For confirmed and unconfirmed contacts, you'll find their email address, first name and name, the date on which they were added and their language. For blacklisted contacts, you'll find the date on which they were blacklisted and the reason why.
For more information about how to manage blacklisted contacts, click here.
- To get a closer look at a contact on the Confirmed or Unconfirmed tab, click on its name to open the detail page. You'll find the following information:
- Their email address
- Their interests
- Their data in default and custom fields
- The status that they got
- The date on which they were added to your database
- Their language and from which source(s) they were added
- The option to blacklist them
- And segments in which they occur
Add a contact
To add a contact to your database, you just need to click on the Add contacts button at the top of your contact overview. To help you import your contacts correctly, we wrote an individual article about it. You can find all the necessary information here.
Edit a contact
To edit a contact's data, you need to go to the detail page of that certain contact. All the information about that contact will be displayed and can be changed if needed.
On the left pane, you'll see the interests and preferences of that contact, as well as its data in the default and custom fields. On the right pane, you'll find the status, the creation data, language and sources of that contact. All those elements can be edited. To do so, click on the pencil icon next the information you want to change.
On the top right of the detail page, you can click on Blacklist this contact to add the contact to your blacklist immediately. A pop up will appear to confirm this action.
This action is irreversible! The contact will no longer be receiving any more campaigns from your account.
Export contacts
In case you need an export of all your contacts, go to your contact overview. Click on the Actions gear icon and select Export all (number) contacts. A file will be downloaded after you selected the desired fields and click on Export.
Always use email address as your first field when exporting to ensure Excel will read your file correctly.
Delete a contact
You can delete all your contacts at once or in bulk.
In case you want to delete all your contacts, go to your contact overview. Click on the Actions gear icon and select Clear all (un)confirmed contacts. Then confirm that you are sure that you want to clear your complete database.
If you want to delete a certain contact or multiple contacts at once, thick off the checkbox(es) in front of the contact(s) that you want to delete. Click on the Actions gear icon and select Delete (number) selected contact(s). Then confirm that you are sure that you want to delete the selected contacts from your database. This will prevent contacts to be deleted by accident. Another option is placing the selected contacts on the blacklist. Depending on your goal, blacklisting them might be the better option. That way, they cannot get imported again.
Search for a contact
At the top of your contact overview, you'll find a search bar. Here you can search for contacts based on their data. By default, you search on their email addresses. But via the drop-down on the left side of the search bar, you have the possibility to search for contacts based on all the default and custom fields in your database.
After you have found the contacts you are looking for, you can manage them.