Configure PDF reporting

You can generate a realtime PDF report with the most important campaign results. In this article we will show you which report settings you can adjust. 

  1. To configure your PDF reporting, go to Settings > PDF reporting section in your account.

  2. First, you can upload a banner which will be shown at the top of the report. If you don't, the default Flexmail banner will be shown.

  3. Next, you can indicate the information you would like to receive in the reports. Check the boxes with the desired information.

  4. You can also indicate after what period of time after sending the campaign you would like to receive a report. You can select a number of hours, days and weeks. You can add up to 3 rows.

  5. Finally, you can indicate the recipients of the PDF report. You can choose between the campaign sender email, the Flexmail profile email and/or a specified email address.

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