Example workflow: One-time occasion

Send a campaign based on a specific date field of a contact.

If you work with (annual) subscriptions, contacts or memberships, you can use an automated follow-up to save you and your team a lot of work. Especially if your contacts also started their membership at different times.

In this standard flow we’ll use the example of a company that rents bikes to students in a student town. Let’s say that a rented bike needs to come to the workshop for a check-up and maintenance 3 months after the client entered into the contract.

For this flow we've added the custom field “Creation date lease”. When we import new bike renters, we’ll use this field to save the date on which the contract was entered into. Of course you could also use another date field. 

In the start block we’ll determine that we’d like to start the flow 80 days after the admission of the contract. That means that our student has 10 days left to come in for maintenance before we reach the end of our 3 months. Next, you could also further refine your target group by selection an additional criteria in the last field. For this example, we’ll only use contact from the mailing list “Clients”, rather than all contacts in our database.

Next, you set up your campaign block. For this example, we used a fictional company that rents out bikes. Just as with a regular campaign you fill out all the sending information, insert your subject line, and choose the message you wish to send from the list.

As a last block in this example we’ll also send a notification to technical service, to let them know that this specific contact will come by for maintenance within the next 10 days. That way they can adapt their planning.

With the internal notification, you need to add the name of your notification, the addressee and the subject line. Using the personalisation we’ve also added the necessary contact information of our student, so that technical service can include this information in their paperwork.

A flow like this will make sure your employees no longer need to process clients manually. And if other services are also responsible for certain steps in the process, they know exactly what to do. You could also include payment reminders in your flow, or ask your clients to renew their subscription before the end of the due date.

Would you like to add extra steps? This can easily be done by clicking on the plus-icon at the correct place.

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