Which info are you including in your footer?

We are often concerned about our subject and everything that can be seen in the preview when designing a message. Then our attention shifts to the call to action. And at the end of the message, we close. But there are a lot of opportunities that can be forgotten.

We looked at an example that arrived in our inbox and took five tips from it.

1. Forward if you feel like it

It doesn’t take a lot of effort to include a forward link into your message. It’s a very simple way to increase your reach. You shouldn’t expect a massive distribution, but every additional reader is a bonus. Especially when your email marketing platform can process this automatically.

2. Wrong language?

If you have an audience with multiple languages, this is a fun one. You normally detected the choice of language in your subscription form or in the browser. But for those contacts who prefer their email in another language, will love the possibility to switch languages in your email.

3. We really exist

You can differentiate yourself from spammers even more by clearly showing who you are. The more information you provide, the more credible you are. There is also a clear reference to the email address. Useful for the reader who wants to reply, and much more interesting than a “no-reply” address.

4. If you must…

We assume that subscribers to a newsletter deliberately chose to be a part of your mailing list. Legally speaking you need to supply an unsubscribe link. But sometimes – a lot of people love to use multiple email addresses – it isn’t clear anymore which email address he or she used to subscribe. Indicate it briefly. It reinforces the feeling that he once wanted to receive your newsletter and he might reconsider to unsubscribe at the last minute.

5. For the newbies

When someone finds a forwarded newsletter in his inbox, they are usually curious. Because someone he knows believes he might find this interesting. And if this new contact finds it interesting, you want to make it easy for him to subscribe. Every new address in your list is a victory!

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