Building a nested segment

The difference between a new segment and a nested segment

Nested segments take over the features of an existing segment. This allows you to split an existing target group without having to repeat the conditions. With a new segment, you make an entirely new target group.

New segment Nested segment
You build an entirely new target group. You are going to split devide an existing target group.
Start with your complete database. On the basis of your choices, your database is further thinned out until only the contacts with the features you have chosen remain. You start with a segment that already exists. You are going to thin out this selection by using extra features. Afterwards, you can send a campaign to the parent segment or to a subselection of this first group.

Nested segments have a condition that is different from that of their parent segment and can be used to make micro target groups to split up the original target group further.

The benefits of a nested segment

By nesting your segments, you can continue to work on filters that already exist and retain consistency in your data. You actually create a parent segment with one or several subsegments.

In Flexmail, you can nest segments up to five levels deep. Add the fact that every segment can include five segmentation rules, and you will understand that the possibilities are many.

For instance, you can make very specific choices per campaign: are you going to mail to a more general target group (e.g. all customers in a specific country) or are you going to mail to a smaller subgroup (e.g. customers from a product group within that country)?

Besides, you also save time: you do not have to repeat or re-enter shared criteria of specific target groups again and again. As the mutual relationships are shown as well, the structure will also be clear immediately for both you and your colleagues.

How to get started?

You always go from big to small. The deeper your segmentation, the more specific (and therefore smaller) your target group.

What is the largest common denominator of your target group? This could be the language, for instance. Then the parent segment will be:

  • Customers NL

Under this segment, you will build further for specific target groups:

  • Customers NL
    • Current customers
    • First purchase

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