Manage categories

The following article will review all the options of category management. To go to category management, click on the Categories button in the Campaigns, Messages, Workflows, Landing pages, Forms or Surveys section of your Flexmail account. 

Create a new category 

Click on Create new category. Enter the name of your new category, then click on Save.

Edit a category

Click on the gear icon next to the category you wish to correct and then click on the Edit button. Enter the new name of your category and click on Save.

Remove a category

Click on the gear icon next to the category you wish to delete and then click on the Remove button. Click on the red Remove button to confirm.

Support tip
If you delete a category containing items such as messages, campaigns, forms, surveys, landing pages or workflows, those items will not be deleted but also will no longer be shown in the show per category list. You can find those items by selecting the show as list option. You can also place them in another category which will allow them to be shown in the show per category list again.

Change the category

If you would like to place a message, campaign, form, survey or a landing page in another category, select that item and then click on  Change category from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the page. Pick the category of your choosing and then Save.

Keep in mind that you cannot change the categories of workflows and cannot view them as a list.

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