Example workflow: Sales follow-up
Follow-up on contacts when they click on a specific link and notify sales when a new lead becomes available.
Not every contact is immediately ready to be contacted by sales when they become a member of your mailing list. You can learn a lot about them by investigating their clicking behavior in your campaigns. In this flow we’ll use the example of an online wine vendor. We’ll follow up on contacts who click on a specific link in our campaign, to gently push them towards a new sale.
Our wine vendor is sending a newsletter. In one of the articles he introduces his new red wines. In the start block we need to select our target group.
We’ll start with a campaign. We’ll need all contacts that opened the campaign. If you wish to add more criteria to your start block, you can always click on the plus-icon.
In this example we’ll choose to wait two days before moving on to the next block. You can chance the waiting period by selecting it in your wait block.
Two days after the contact opened our campaign, our wine vendor wants to check if the contact clicked on the link to check out the new red wines. We’ll use an if/else block.
In this condition block you select the campaign that contains the link. Next, you can choose to include all links of this message in your selection, or a specific link. For this example, we select the link that leads to our red wines.
When a contact has clicked on the link, he’ll go to the yes-side of our if/else block. First, we’ll make him or her a member of the interest group “Red wine”. That way we can use this interest group in the future when we want to send out specific promotions regarding red wines. To do this, you click on the blue block, and select the interest group you’d like to add your contact to.
We’ll also send a new campaign to that contact, with a more extensive presentation of our new range of red wines. In the campaign block you need to fill out the sending information, insert your subject line and select the message that you’d like to send.
Our wine vendor also wants to let the sales department know that a contact has shown interest in the new red wines. For this, we’ll use a notification block.
For our internal notification you need to insert a name for your notification, the addressee and the subject line. Using personalisation we’ve also added the contact information of this contact, in order to give sales enough information to contact him or her.
When a contact doesn’t click to have a look at the new win range, we’re going to add them to an interest group. In this example we’ll use the interest group “inactive contacts”.
Would you like to extend your sales flow? You can always add new blocks by clicking on the accompanying plus-icon.