What is the best way to deal with conflicts in the Contact Converter?
When various lists from the account are merged, some contacts may appear in multiple lists. If two lists contain the same contacts but the data of this contact in one list does not match the data in the other list, a conflict will be displayed. In that case, you can indicate which information is correct and which information you want to keep. Depending on the number of lists you want to keep and the data they contain, you may come across quite a lot of conflicts. Pay close attention to this, as it is about one of the most important aspects of your account: your contacts. Take your time to look at the conflicts and indicate what you want to do.
The conflicts from the list are presented in an overview. You are given an opportunity to indicate which information is correct. This data will be included in the new database.
How do you know which information is correct?
If, in the first step, you have not selected the older lists that have not been used for months, it means you already have the most recent list on your screen. In most cases, that information should be correct. In the event of a conflict, it is advisable to select the list which has most information.
If there is a conflict between customer numbers for instance, you have to check which number is correct. Of course we cannot make this decision for you.
Take your time to check these conflicts and select the correct data carefully, as this information is valuable for you. Via the Contact Converter, we give you all available information about a contact; you only need to decide which data you want to keep.
This may seem a lot of work, but the good news is that you only need to do it once. If you have one database, you have the information about a contact at a single central location. Information is therefore overwritten or supplemented, depending on the options you have chosen.
At your contact’s request, you can provide all information you have about that contact. This will be very easy for you to do, and everything is definitely GDPR-proof!